What others think is none of your business!!

How many times have we heard the phrase “Mind your own business” but we still don’t. We have a tendency to be worried more about others than our own selves. What will others think? Where are the others going? Why are they doing things this way and not the other? These are some of the common questions we worry about on a day to day basis without even knowing.

When I was small I had heard this phrase – ‘Eat what you like and dress as per what others like’, this seems like a perfect logic to me till some years back. We did dress up so that we look good and not stand out but I do not think so anymore.

Why would I want to do anything as per anyone else? Maybe to be accepted or to be liked or maybe to get appreciated? basically for some reason or the other. What if that objective is still not met? You still did not get the popularity you wanted or acceptance with the people you wanted? What if you did get what you wanted but you are not happy?

My new philosophy is ‘Do what makes you happy’. Worrying a960x0bout others is a waste of time, just do what feels right to you. Just to clarify DO or SAY what feels right to you without causing any harm to others. If you feel like saying something to someone and are worried what will they say, stop worrying and say it, if you want to do something which might look crazy to others go ahead and do it. However if you feel like hitting someone don’t hit but make sure you communicate that you are upset about a particular thing to the other person without worrying about what others will say. Remember the song “Don’t Worry Be Happy”

Letting others decide what you should or should not do is similar to leaving thieves in charge of your house, valuables are bound to be stolen. If you do things according to others you are bound to get disappointed or unhappy at some point or the other.

Life is all about making the right choices, next time you are supposed to take a decision don’t just decide what you think you should be doing, stop and think if I do this will it make me happy if YES go ahead if the answer is NO think about what will make me happy and go for that choice instead. It is all very simple really.

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