Step 2 to Happiness – Let go of the Past

If you are reading this post it is in series and you might want to start with the fist one here
Once you have decided that you do want to be happy and have learnt to love yourself, the next step is to Let go of the past. Most of the blockages which occur in the mind are because of the things that have happened in the past.
We cling on to mostly bad things that have happened to us in the past and the emotions you felt are probably still inside you because you did not let them out which creates a blockage and thus keeps stuck inside you.
Let me give an example – One of your friends did something which go you really angry and wanted to punch him or her but we live in a civilized society you do not go and shout at her or actually hit them, you just show your displeasure by maybe not talking to them or avoiding them or maybe being rude and sarcastic with them. The emotion which was inside you stayed just there and created a block which keeps reminding you of all that went wrong and you keep getting angry all over again. It is a cycle you are not able to get out of it, you hold on to it.

The first thing that you will need to remind your self is the same as what I mentioned in the Step 1, Everything happens as per his wishes, not even a leaf can move without him wanting it.  So God is the one who wanted this to happen and thus it happened. Next you need to let all the emotions come out and remove the blocks inside you so that the incident just becomes a distant memory and does not hurt you anymore.

There are various ways to do this most effective way is meditation and Chord Cutting. However here is an easy method for you all which you can follow. Lock yourself in a room and think of the incident which is bothering you the most do whatever you feel like doing when you think of it, punch the imaginary friend, shout at them, cry, complain anything that you wanted to do when it actually happened. Alternatively you could write all your angst and emotions on a piece of paper and burn it up and flush it down. You will notice you feel better after this, do this till the time it does not stop hurting you.
Do this for all that troubles you and do it till the time you do not feel better about the incident. I am sure you will definitely start feeling better about a lot of things which happened and which you were holding on to for no reason.
Look out for the Step 3.


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